ARC REVIEW: Disgraceful by Autumn Grey


I knew falling for him was wrong. I did it anyway, his half smiles and blue eyes pulling me deeper. Blue eyes that made me soar. He wasn’t mine to keep, though. And like all good and rare things, it came to an end. 

Then he strolls into my life, armed with dimples and gray eyes. Gray eyes that ground me. He smashes through my defenses, stealing what is left of my heart. 
Now my heart is a war zone, past and present battling for my forever. 

They say lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice. I call bullshit on that theory..


☕️☕️☕️ 3.7

 I really loved the first book Desolate, but for me I couldn't  really connect with the story or the characters in Disgraceful until about the half way mark. Once it got to that point it did start to pick up and keep my interest and I did enjoy it more from then on. 

This story really took a turn I wasn't expecting. It just threw me off a bit. Like the new love interest. And by no means did I dislike him, it was actually pretty opposite and that made it harder because I really grew to like his character, and that sucked because I love Sol and just really didn't want to see Grace move on from him. My emotions were all over the place. 

"How do you ever stop loving someone whose pieces are woven with yours so intricately he's a part of you? How do you pretend that an earthquake didn't split you in two?"

Like I said once it hit the halfway mark I  started to enjoy the story a bit more. I did feel frustrated for a lot of the story. Mostly because of Grace and her decision making. I kind of feel like it was that frustration that kept me going and needing to know how it all turns out. 

I was never really able to connect with the characters, not like I did with them in the first book. 

I still love Sol. He was great, and I loved seeing him development and become his own person, but we don't really get a whole lot of his point of view in Disgraceful. 

"I believe God puts people in our lives for different purposes. Some people stay for a while before leaving for good and some stay."

I didn't really enjoy Grace as much as I did in the first book. She was the one that frustrated me the most, and like I mentioned that was mostly because of the decisions she makes.

They are both in that point in their lives, full of self discovery and trying to figure out who they are as individuals. We see a lot of growth from both of them throughout the book. 

"If I'm a grenade, then Sol is the safety pin keeping the explosion at bay. One touch from him, and I'll go off."

 I really would have liked to see more of Sol's point of view in this one. They spend a lot of time apart and most of it is focused on Grace. Which I understand, she definitely had a lot going on and a lot to work through, but I love Sol and would have liked to see more of him. 

Overall it just wasn't my favorite, but I will be picking up the third book when it's out to see the conclusion to Sol and Graces story. Especially after that ending! 

*I Recieved an ARC copy from Give Me Books PR in exchange for an honest review. All opinions and thoughts are my own*


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