-Mid year Reading Update-


Happy Monday, everyone! It has been a crazy year for me regarding a lot of things, including reading. So I thought that I would do a little mid year update. I personally like looking back on these posts later on. And as I'm sure you have noticed that also means being active on this blog. I am much more active on Bookstagram and I prefer that platform right now. I just don't have the creative juice to keep up to date with this blog right now other than to post my reviews. I kind of burnt myself out in the beginning of 2020 with blogging and reviewing which is why I'm trying to cut back on some things this year, and that has felt like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. 

I've also cut back on the amount of ARCs that I have been signing up for, and let me tell you being able to read whatever I want whenever I want to has felt amazing. I was really missing that. I am a huge mood reader, so it feels so good to get back to that. I am not quitting blogging, I'm just trying to cut back to relieve some of the burnout that I was feeling. I've also started limiting my time on social media, because that is also a huge mental drain. 2021 is a year to focus on myself and my needs right now. Everyone needs a break and you should never feel guilty about taking that much needed time for yourself.

Thank you if you made it this far and you can check below how I have been doing in the reading department below! I hope you are all having a great summer!


Books read so far: 38

Ebooks read: 37

Physical books read: 1

Longest book read so far: A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas. 757 pages.

Shortest book read so far: Sacrifice by Katee Robert. 154 pages 

Pages read so far: 11, 871

Average rating in 2021 mid year: 4.3 Stars 

Average Book Length: 312 Pages 


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