Book Review - Wild Lands (Savage Lands, #2) by Stacey Marie Brown





RATING: ★★★★★


Holy, shit. I did not think that it was possible to love this book even more than the first, but it is. I am now officially 100% obsessed with this series. 

Wild Lands gets even more insane than Savage Lands, and I'm thinking that is just going to be a theme with this series, with each one being even more intense than the last. 

These books have managed to make their way onto my favorites of all time list. I absolutely love Stacey's writing, and this world that she has created is so intense and unique. When reading these I am completely consumed by the story and it is all that exists for that time period. Books that can still manage to completely get me out of my own head/reality like this are rare and I cherish every single moment.

Wild Lands had me on edge the whole time. The action never seems to end, and as someone who has a short attention span and needs things to always be happening that keep me hooked, this was fantastic for me. As anxious as this story is making me  I absolutely love it. While we move further through the mysteries and some things are revealed its only enough to keep you flipping pages as fast as possible to find out what the F is happening next. Also, the tension between Brexley and Warwick is hell, but in the best way! If you are a fan of that slow burn that has the most amazing love/hate tension, you'll die for these two.

This is one of the best dark dystopian/fantasy series I have ever read. The only other book series that I can say gives kind of the the same vibes, but not stories or characters,  is the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning. If you loved that series, then you need to give this one a try.

Fucking addicting. That's all I got.


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