✨ ARC Review - Evil Love by Ella Fields ✨



Title: Evil Love (Nightingale, #1)

Author: Ella Fields 

Genre: Enemies to lovers bully romance

Page Length: 302


There was a time Jude Delouxe didn’t hate me, and I’m fairly certain it was when he didn’t know I existed.

Senior year, I finally caught his eye long enough to throw word vomit at him like the obsessed teenage girl I was.

That was then.
You see, the most wanted guy in school blamed me for losing his second chance with his girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend? Whatever. Point is, the Adonis loved to hate me.

It wasn’t my fault he’d followed me. It wasn’t my fault he’d stared too long and stood a little too close, just daring me to accomplish my wildest dreams.

And it most certainly wasn’t my fault his ex-girlfriend arrived when he’d decided to kiss me back.

Then the cruelty began. 
I’d thought I could handle it, so long as his lips kept gracing mine and he kept giving me more scorching firsts.
Until he took it too far, and all his carefully kept secrets blew open the doors to a brand new world. A world he was all too familiar with. 

Obsession became loathing and fear replaced naivety as Jude was forced to hold my hand and help me navigate a secret society rife with sin and debauchery—the crème de la crème of Peridot Island.

If I wasn’t careful, I’d do more than lose what remained of my heart. My first love and greatest foe wouldn’t be satisfied until he’d devoured my soul, too.


I love Ella Fields particular brand of angst. I always know that her characters are going to drive me insane along the way, but In a good way! 😂 I love me some angst, and she most definitely delivered that in Evil Love.

“He was both the villain and the hero, the monster and the monster-slayer.”

Like always for me with Ella’s books, I absolutely devoured Evil Love. Jude is such an asshole, so if that’s your thing, you’ll love him lol. And Fern was so different from the heroines I’m used to reading about. Her obsessiveness with Jude seriously had me laughing at times. I love that even though Jude is a total asshole to her she doesn’t let him see that’s he’s gotten to her often. She just picks herself back up and move on. 

“He was mine. He just didn’t know it yet.” 

Now eventually we do grow to love Jude, just know he is a major ass, but that’s part of why you love him, or love to hate him lol. 

The story and plot took me by surprise. I won’t spoil anything but it definitely added a whole new element of suspense to Jude and Fern’s story, and I loved that. I found myself really enjoying trying to figure out what the hell was going on as well as loving the back and forth between Jude and Fern.

“Love was evil. It stole, it harmed, and it left you with your bleeding remains flayed wide for the world to dissect.” 

Also, the side characters! Oh my gosh. I found myself so invested in their friends issues as well. I really hope that we get their story. 🤞 

Evil Love is such a great enemies to lovers romance. There is alll the angst that comes along with this type of story, but also elements of mystery and suspense with the plot. I loved it! 

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*


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